Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stephen - Greek for Crown, Refined, Amiable, Fearless (with a few annoying habits)

I've contemplated this post for a while, though I haven't really known what direction to take it. I like people so much and find myself so intrigued by people I know that they often become characters to me. And I've thought many times about featuring a "character" that I know in my blog every once in a while. So today, I'm doing it. And I'm starting with my favorite character of all - my husband, Stephen Dwayne McCoy:

I'll spare you the details of how we met and under what circumstances, but suffice-it to say I was immediately taken with him. One look into his bright green eyes and a flash of his big, quick smile and I was done for. I knew immediately he wasn't like anyone I'd ever met and I've yet to be proven wrong.

I've always thought of Stephen as an introspective man. He's always seemed content to go his own way and that's usually the straight and narrow. He's one of the very few people I've ever known who seems to innately know which path to take. When he's at a metaphorical crossroad - his choice of direction is quite often... right. I've learned more from him about who I'd like to be than anyone else in my life.

His laugh is completely obnoxious! It's loud and he chortles. It's so obnoxious in fact that I can't help but laugh myself when I hear it. It comes from his gut and his throat and it's strong enough to register on the Richter Scale. I think his laugh may be directly responsible for the number of potholes on 17A between Cottageville and Dorchester Road in South Carolina. But rest assured, when he laughs it's because he's thoroughly enjoying himself! He's really a very shy man, though you'd never guess it as he is rather loud and boisterous. He likes the sound of his own voice and he could out-noise just about anyone. He's completely incapable of doing anything quietly. He whistles, taps, beats, sings, hums, twittles, bangs, beats, slaps, clinks, clanks and whams his way through life. Except of course when he's hunting. The few times I've been with him I was SHOCKED! He actually can be quiet. Who knew?

Stephen is also quite versatile. I'm still amazed when I find out he can fix something I didn't even know could be broken. He's very multi-fasceted and is quite good at just about anything. Precisely the opposite of myself. I'm not really very good at - anything. He can fix toilets, wiring, plumbing, fans, lawnmowers, houses, mouses, sinks and cell phones. He can play almost any game really well. He loves puzzles and things that he can master and he usually does it quickly. He's great at math - again unlike myself. And he's so level headed sometimes that it pisses me off. He's a bit of a slob as well. At forty years old he's yet to master putting his dirty clothes in a hamper or keeping a semi-organized desk. He drives too fast and goes to bed too late. He claims he doesn't have a terrific fondness for animals and yet they ALL flock to him. Every evening he can be found in his chair with 2 - 4 animals at a time laying all over him. They want to be wherever he is. He's a Mama's boy without being a weenie about it. He's sensitive in ways that don't make him un-manly. He cries over handi-capped children and he buys me Barbie's. But he's no pushover! I can't take advantage of him and he never tries to take advantage of me. He says he loves that I'm a challenge although he'd like it sometimes if I were a little less of one :)

When it comes to ladies, I have to admit that he's a bit of a schmooze. He's had a lot of girlfriends and there are boxes of pictures and letters from girls who simply swooned over him in his younger years. They were entirely right to of course. He's terribly handsome and very gentle and still somehow he manages to maintain an heir of arrogance and comfort. He's one of the safest men I've ever been around. He's the perfect balance of "pig" and "prince".

But the most wonderful, fascinating thing about him is that he has never tired of loving me. He is as loyal, as honest and as stubborn a man as I could ever have hoped for. I never leave my home nor enter it that I don't know I'm loved. And that knowledge more than makes up for all of the ways in which he irritates the hell out of me.


  1. Aw, I love when women say sweet things about their husbands (and vice versa!). Reading this, I could totally hear you saying all this. You both are very blessed to have each other, and I am thankful to know you! I hope you have a long, happy marriage!
