Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh Happy Day!


I've been working on ideas for new posts and want to work out more mental details before I take on the daunting task of trying to organize my jumbled thoughts via print. So in the interem, I thought I'd share a video that I found on youtube of a choir in Canada singing one of my favorite gospel feel good songs. (just click on the link below the picture) It expresses all of the joy & simplicity that I'm feeling inspired by these days... And sometimes I think it's good to just feel praise and gratitude for our blessings. For friends when we most need them; for our kids when least appreciate them and most importantly, for forgiveness when we least deserve it...

If you're not up for "feel good" stuff and just wanted to read one of my snipey rants, I apologize. But stay tuned, one's a comin'!

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